
You and your Baby routine

Fresh out of the womb, you can begin a routine with your baby. Usually leaving the first two weeks to settle in at home, we start the cycle of Eat, Play, Sleep. This cycle consists of a diaper change, yummy milk, play time, nap time routine, and back down for a nap. This ritual typically takes about forty-five minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the age and developmental stage of your newborn. Most importantly, this daily routine cycle helps bring you and your newborn consistency throughout your day. You are making it easier to manage days where things are thrown off by following your routine as close as possible.

Great start of the day

First of all, your morning wake up, sets your pace for the of your day. An important question to ask yourself when setting up your routine is: What time would I like to begin my day with my newborn? If this time is 7 am, then every morning at 7 am, you will do a morning ritual that consists of:

Sleep time routine

After your morning routine, you continue with your Eat, Play, Sleep cycle, until you get to your naptime routine. Nap time routines are the secret to peace on earth. Your nap time ritual is your morning ritual backwards. A diaper change (if needed), lovely hugs and kisses with your snuggle bug and allowing them to settle, swaddling, turning off any lights (closing the curtains), and turning on their sound machine. Once you lay them down to sleep, you will begin to see your baby go through the settling process and fall asleep. We will address the self-soothing process and how to reach this point in Teaching My Baby to Sleep.

This last routine is typically a favorite after a long day, and that is the bedtime routine. The bedtime routine starts about an hour before bedtime; it begins with a lovely submerged bath, a gentle massage with a safe oil or lotion for baby, comfy pajamas, and a nice, snug swaddle. Then they get a bedtime top-off feed, with snuggles and a song or book. Remember to turn the light off and turn your sound machine on before going down for bed.

There you have it, you and your baby’s daily routine! The most important part of setting a routine is consistency. This normalcy will allow your day to be more predictable and as a result, help you better manage those days that throw you in for a loop. 

Deep breaths,repeat after me: 

I am the best parent for my baby

I am doing amazing

Every day brings a new challenge, I choose to conquer each challenge and make it a great day

Marketty Bleck
